Sunday, January 30, 2011
Living Room Excitement: Continued
Monday, January 24, 2011
Hot yoga. Hot damn.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Living Room Excitement
I don't really review music because I'm one of those people who is contributing to the fact that the cast of Glee surpassed the Beatles on the Billboard singles chart. I'd like to think I have good taste in music, but when your idea of a good morning run includes listening to Glee's version of "I Say a Little Prayer for You," on repeat, it's time to just accept who you are. And by "you" I mean "me."
I digress! This post is about awesome new furnishings -
Guess what? I'm SO EXCITED about our new living room, and it's not because of the fact that we have two huge HD TVs in our apartment right now.

I'm excited because, this week, we've added two awesome new additions. The first is this fantastic new globe pictured to the right, compliments of two awesome friends and wedding guests. I am a bit of a map/globe fanatic, so I was extremely excited to come home on Tuesday night and see this baby sitting in the living room.
Also, we've been trying to find either a new, bigger couch or an additional couch for the living room, but since I don't really care to spend $1000 for a new couch, the search hasn't been too fruitful. However, yesterday, I decided to check Craigslist and found a fantastic, very well-priced L-shaped couch that had just been posted. One piece of the couch is a tad bit longer than we'd like, and I'm a little nervous about actually getting it into the apartment, but I think we can do it. We may end up cracking some of the door frame or putting a hole through the wall, but in my opinion, as long as the end result is a beautiful L-shaped couch in the living room, I think it'll have been worth it.
I'm so obsessed with both globes and L-shaped couches - I really can't decide which one I'm more excited about. Let's just say it's been a good week for furnishings.
Once the couch is moved in and the globe is moved to a place of prominence, I'll post pics.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
A Special Guest Blogger
This is my (Dave's) first blog entry ever so go easy on me. I originally thought my first blog post would be about being newly married, but another topic came to mind, so I'm writing about that instead. The inspiration came from my friend Phil's band Mosquito Fleet. They are college and post-college age and hail from Indiana Wesleyan University. They released a new EP the other day and while I have listened to it a few times since downloading it, today was the first time I listened to the lyrics and embraced what they had to say. This is kind of a review and kind of a commentary on why these songs hit me so hard today and why you should support these guys.
Noah. The beginning of the song is consistent with some of their older stuff and is a great way to begin the album. While I didn't pay attention to the lyrics the first 5 times I heard it; I did pay attention today and they are beautiful. The song is about the injustice in our sinful world. The lyrics “Is it better to all have drowned? Is it better to all have drowned than to live in this wicked town?” just sat on my soul during the song. This world is screwed up and without God and His plan of salvation there is no hope. I just finished a creative writing class and we had to write on some tough issues such as hunger, AIDS, child prostitution and many other subjects. This class had a greater effect on me than I though, I see a need for Christians to step out and help those in need and while a lot do, I for one do not and am feeling convicted to do so. This song just resonated with the feelings I have been having while in this class and just encouraged me to find a way to serve those in need and hopefully encourage others to help.
Elizabeth (Swings & Cloves). This is the title track of the EP. The version I am writing about is the acoustic bonus track.. This love song has the right amount of cheesiness and deep lyrics. I recently got married, as I mentioned before. Through the process of dating, engagement, premarital counseling and finally marriage I have seen the beauty in God's perfect plan for marriage. In everyone's marriage you take two broken people and form one broken couple. With Jesus at the center of that marriage you begin to understand that nothing has changed and you are still that broken couple but with the perfection of Jesus anchored in the relationship the marriage is good and fruitful to you individually, as a couple, for those around us, for the world and for the Kingdom of God. That is what I took away from the deep part of the song. The cheesy part is great too. The description of swings and cloves and a warm evening with the love of my life creates wonderful imagery in my mind and it makes me smile.
The pumped up version with the whole band is great too, I still prefer the acoustic version because it is a love song and I am a romantic at heart.
Everything's Different. I think the guys count to 4 in at least 1 song per album. The song is almost 9 minutes long which is a little long for me but the guys use the time to showcase their talent and at the end it seems like a 5 minute song which is not a shot at them, but a compliment. Everyone that has grown up and moved on in life will resonate with this song. As a freshman in college you think you are going to graduate and change the world. Then you graduate and get a job in Corporate America and realize “Everything's Different.” I myself just started college but when I was 18, I thought I was going to change the face of sales forever. It isn't to say that the different outcome of your life is a bad thing; in many cases it is a great thing - following God's will rather than my own. The guys in the band are at this age and I'm sure this is very real for a lot of them so I am glad they wrote a song about it and used it as a chance to show off some of their “Indie” stuff.
Come Thou Fount of Ev'ry Blessing. One of my favorite hymns and I am really glad the guys chose to put this on their album. I always enjoy a rocked-out version of hymns. The guys went through the hymn with their own take on it musically and when all of the verses are all completed they repeat “Here's my heart Lord” and then “Prone to Wander” to make a wonderful round 12 times (I think the term is “round” this is what I remember from 2nd grade music theory AKA chorus). As I listened to those words wash over me I was overwhelmed with what the Gospel has done for those that believe in Jesus. This song is great and the guys really captured the essence of being lost and wandering away from God and our inability to live without His grace. Then to see the Grace of God wash our sins away and give our lives to Christ. The guys didn't have to do much here, the lyrics have been wonderful since they were written in 1757. I did really appreciate the musical take they had on it and this is my favorite song on the album followed closely by “Noah.”
I have been looking for a topic to write on and this album struck a cord in my heart today so Mosquito Fleet gets the honors of my first blog post. If you have not yet downloaded their EP Swings & Cloves you can get it tonight for FREE but you only have until MIDNIGHT because that is when the “name your own price” sale ends. Sorry I wasn't able to give you more time to get this for free but I wasn't inspired until today. Look on the bright side, you can buy it tomorrow to help these guys in their trans-formative time in life.
Here are their links:
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Golden Globes "live" blog
Sunday, January 9, 2011
My Decorating Dilemma
Friday, January 7, 2011
Trivial Pursuits
Not an exaggeration.
I like to pride myself on knowing obscure facts. Unfortunately, most jobs out there reward you for knowing and being able to act upon useful facts, so my skill in identifying Britney Spears songs on the first note are not exactly helpful from 9-5 each day.
I've been reading At Home by Bill Bryson, and no, for anyway who saw me reading this book in November, I'm not done yet. Almost. I've been busy. Let's not even talk about how long it takes me to get through books I DON'T enjoy.
Anyway, it's great, and a couple of nights ago, the chapter I was reading discussed John D. Rockefeller and his early life and pursuits.
So, last night at trivia, one of the questions asked what business he worked in, and the multiple choice answers were: steel, oil, and two other things. I don't remember what they were. For the purposes of this story, it doesn't matter.
I immediately said, "Steel! It's steel. I definitely just read about this a few days ago. It's definitely steel." I could see the words on the page.... "Rockefeller... money... steel..." I don't have a photographic memory, so I'm not sure where this "vision" came from, but it was there. You'd think after 24 years I'd realize I don't have a photographic memory, and second-guess myself, but no. I was so stupidly confident that I told everyone I'd buy shots if I was wrong. Needless to say, Dave wasn't present. Did I mention we share a bank account now?
So, yeah. Fast forward 2 minutes... "And the answer is... OIL!"
I give up. I can't even answer a multiple choice question correctly, after I had just read the answer 2 days earlier. This was frustrating for me. Maybe I'm getting too much of my self-worth from being able to answer trivia questions correctly. Probably. Whatever. (I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it - it doesn't matter how many presidents with the name James I can think of in 90 seconds)
I thought maybe he was invovled in oil and steel, but no. He's not. About 90% of his wikipedia entry is about oil. Goo. Literal goo.
By this time in the evening, Dave showed up, and upon telling him that I had irresponsibly bet drinks on my answer, he was like, "uhhh yeah. not happening." Sorry, team. Thank you, husband.
Until next Thursday...