Wednesday, March 23, 2011

let the sunshine in

This is a new segment I call "REALLY?! with Seth and Amy and Lauren"

Really, midwest? It's snowing right now? It was 65 last week and now it's snowing? REALLY?!

This has been "REALLY?! with just Lauren even though I pretend like I'm on SNL sometimes and Seth and Amy are my friends and it's sad ok bye."

ANYWAY. Isn't it sad that this is how we live? It's like, every year we KNOW it's going to get warm in March, and then get cold again. And yet we complain about it, like, isn't this horrible? No, it's not horrible. It's where we've chosen to live. And yet, I continue to complain. Ahh, the circle of the seasons. Never does it change... unless you move further south.

Speaking of seasons and needing sunshine, let's all listen to a classic tune by fellow sunshine lovers, The Fifth Dimension:

LOVE IT. The gentleman in this song wants sunshine SO badly. I feel your pain, dude. Maybe he's talking about drugs, now that I think about it. I mean, these are the 60s we're talking about, here. Who knows. Don't care. I just want to let the sunshine in. Let it in.

Anyway, the above song is on the Forrest Gump soundtrack, and another gem on this soundtrack is... "San Francisco (Be sure to wear flowers in your hair)"

Well, Scott McKenzie, I WILL go to San Francisco! And I may even wear flowers in my hair. Is that too cliched? Dave and I just booked tickets yesterday for our April getaway! Neither of us have ever been, and we've both always wanted to go, so we can't wait! So far, I only have 3 things on my to-do list:

1. take a twilight tour of Alcatraz
2. see the Full House house
3. transport back to the 60s

I think that's it.

Anyone else have any awesome suggestions? We have 4 days to pack full of northern California fun!

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