For some reason, I have so much trouble waking up at 6:30 on weekdays, but on Saturdays, I'm totally wide-awake at 6 a.m. Is it because I fall asleep around 9 on Friday nights? I live a wild life, what can I say.
Right after Dave and I got married, I thought he might find it endearing that I wanted to wake up early and drink coffee and enjoy the early morning.
One person's "endearing" is another person's "annoying," apparently, so here I am typing away in our front room while he sleeps, like a normal adult human.
Lent sidenote: I haven't had caffeine since Lent began, and I've even been trying to stay away from decaf drinks, but this morning I really wanted some coffee so I made some decaf. And I must say, after a month-long coffee-making hiatus, I made some darn good joe! Sweet, sweet coffee...
Annnnd I totally sidenoted about my coffee obsession. Is that what addicts do?
So anyway, one of my favorite blogs is They are so creative, and always post about really interesting/beautiful things. And they do a lot of design-related before-and-afters, and I'm nothing if not a sucker for before-and-after features. I'm like, wow! there are actually people in this world who go to flea markets and buy ugly furniture for $10 and fix it up into something amazing. Here's one of my favorite examples.
I mean, I bought a $2 ugly lampshade from the sale-bin at IKEA about 3 months ago in hopes of fixing it up, and where is it right now? Still in its cellophane wrap, in the backseat of my car.
But anyway. Design*Sponge. It's this great website that both inspires me with its creativity and beauty, and makes me feel bad about not being as crafty as they are.
Yesterday they posted about a new book called Maps, so of course I immediately loved it.
There's a giveaway in the comments section, and since I love both free things and comment sections of online articles, I was drawn in right away. All I had to do was post a link to one of my favorite maps, and I now have approximately a 1 in 7,000 chance of winning this book. Apparently I am not the only person who likes maps and free things. Fingers crossed!
The map I shared was this beauty. I have no clue how accurate it is, but "accuracy" and "making sense" are two things not at all embodied by LOST, so I'm fine with it.
While perusing the comments section, as I so love to do, I came across a lot of other fun and interesting maps. Maybe I spent an entire hour looking at them this morning. And maybe I did.
Here's a selection of my favorites:
Literary San Francisco. I love this one, and not just because I'm going there later this month (woohoo!). The concept, colors, and quotes are all wonderful.

OK, I'm a sucker for a good human interest story, so this is definitely my favorite. A graphic designer in New York made it for her nephew's subway-themed birthday party; it's a Subway map of all his favorite places in NY, including his relatives' homes, Mets stadium, and the museum. I love everything about this.

Hand-cut London. The most interesting thing to me is that this map is only $60, because apparently each one is hand cut and I just don't understand how you end up making any money off that. Oh well... I'm not here to judge. Except on the basis of beauty, and so, here's a beautiful map.

A map on a baby blanket. I love it. It seems like there are easier ways to introduce a child to his or her city than painstakingly quilting every single street, but hey, some kids are visual learners. I love the idea of this.

California. I don't know why but I LOVE this. The colors, the clean lines, the framing, the placement in the home. It's beautiful.

The United Countries of Baseball. Although, I'm not sure how accurate this is, because I live in the supposed White Sox territory, and I only know like 2 Sox fans. But still, I like this map and, in honor of opening day, I thought it was a fitting addition to the list.

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