Inspired by my recent visit to H&M, it's time for a new series of posts I call:
"Things SNL made fun of that are now actually popular"
Let's go back to 2003 on SNL (and an amazing cast of women, if I may say so) -

MOM JEANS! You must remember this. If not, watch the full, glorious sketch here.
And now, let's take a trip back to the present day. A time in which young people apparently were too young to remember the above sketch -
These are literal pants I saw in H&M. Here's my inner monologue as I was walking through that store yesterday: "cute dress... I like those pants... cute shoes... pretty skirt... ibbidibbiERRRR (sound of record scratching) WHAT?!"
The baggy legs, the tapered ankles, the elastic around BOTH the waistband and the ankles, the insanely long crotch seam... I just... what?
oh nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i thought i got rid of the last mom jeans by forcing my mom to FINALLY throw out her mom jeans when I was in 7th grade!!!!