With the amount of money, fame, and access to anything that famous actresses have, I probably shouldn't congratulate any of these people for dressing well. It'd be like someone writing a blog post about me when I wear clothes from Target. Well, yes, that's what my lifestyle allows me to do, so... thank you very much. It's not that hard for me. But, since it's so fun to look at pretty pictures (I'm not even going to disclose how long I've been "researching" this morning), here's my list:
Barbra Streisand 1968
Yes, Barbra. Because she's now so famous and established in her career, she wears weird crap all the time because she's like, "whatever. I'm BARBRA STREISAND. I'm not trying to impress you people." But back in the 60's, she was still working her way up, and thus still tried to wear things that fit properly. The hairstyle is a little crazy, but I love the disco-fabulousness of her ensemble - the gold stiping, the fro, the choker, the flowing necklace - love it.

Racquel Welch - 1972
I love this dress on Raquel Welch. I love it bright blue color, fun 70s print (it's so 70s because this photo was literally taken in the 70s), and style.

Goldie Hawn - 1973
I love Goldie Hawn's style. She always looks fun and sun-kissed and beachy. She's just this funky free-spirit who wear flowers in her hair and drinks wine with a blank stare on her face and I love it. Plus, I like seeing the way movie stars dressed before stylists were a thing. Would a stylist today let a famous actress go to the Oscars with a fake rose on top of her head? Absolutely not, but that's what makes this look so fun. And say what you want about Hawn-spawn Kate Hudson - but mother and daughter always look fun, cute and happy at red carpet events.

Audrey Hepburn - 1988
That's right - I'm including a dress from the 80's in my best dressed list. Audrey Hepburn is so well-known for her classic, timeless style. So, I love the fact that her dress from 1988 is loud, bold, and 80's-tastic, while still managing to be classy, fun, and pretty.

Kim Basinger- 1998
Seeing this dress was one of my first Oscar memories. I'm pretty sure I only got into the Oscars in the late 90s because of my huge crush on Matt Damon. Due to its R-rating, I wasn't allowed to watch Good Will Hunting but that didn't stop me from decorating my locker with pictures of him. Anyway, I love this dress on Kim - I love the color - I'm a huge mint fan - and the pretty, classy neckline. Lovely! Kim Basinger, become famous again so we can see more of your pretty dress choices.
Cate Blanchett - 2000
Cate Blanchett always dresses well, but I especially love her look at the 2000 Oscars. It's sleek and sexy and a little daring. I love it.

Charlize Theron - 2000
This may be my favorite Oscar look of all time. It's old-school Hollywood but still sleek and modern. Plus, she's Charlize F-ing Theron, so she pretty much looks gorgeous wearing anything.

Jennifer Lopez - 2001
Fact: When your most impressive movie credit is something called Monster-in-Law, and you were one of the stars of Gigli, you probably don't deserve to show your face at the Oscars. But, she's frickin' J-Lo, so of course she's there every year. I love her look from 2001 - the contrast of the gauzy top and satin bottom is beautiful, and I love the colors. Sure, she could've put a bra on, but other than that, this look is gorgeous.

Angelina Jolie - 2001
Angelina's style is very hit-or-miss for me. Sometimes she picks really beautiful outfits, but sometimes she wears a vile of blood as a necklace and forgets to brush her hair. So, you never know. I loved her choice of a clean, crisp white pantsuit in 2001. She just looks effortless - like it only took her 20 minutes to get ready (probably not true).

Cameron Diaz - 2002
Cameron Diaz is a terrible actress who should never, ever be invited to an event that honors greatness in film. And that's an understatement. But damn it all if the woman doesn't know how to put together a great red carpet look. I typically love what she wears to events like this, but especially love her 2002 choice. It's silky, boho, sort of grandma-y but also young and funky. I love the fact that she always looks beachy on the red carpet, too.

Sienna Miller - 2004
I found out two fun facts about Sienna Miller today during my googling: 1. she was famous in 2004, and 2. she used to be a brunette. To this day I've never seen her act in a movie and couldn't even name one movie she's ever been in, but I'm glad she randomly went to the 2004 Oscars, because I love this look:

Salma Hayek - 2005
Salma Hayek, in a tight, hip-hugging, cleavage-y dress that manages to make her look soft, feminine, and beautiful as opposed to cheap and boobs-all-over-y. A fine accomplishment by Prada.

Hilary Swank - 2005
Ahhh yes. I'm a sucker for backless dresses. I love the contrast of the high neckline and the deep V in the back. Gorgeous.

Michelle Williams - 2006
The beauty in this outfit isn't the dress itself (although it IS gorgeous), but in the genius combination of the necklace, mustard color, hairstyle, and lipstick. Did I just say "genius" in reference to putting together an outfit? I'm Rachel Zoe now. Whatever. I could erase it, but "genius" was literally the first word that came to mind and I'm leaving it. Anyway - dress, necklace, lip color: love it.

Lauren Hutton - 2007
Not exactly your traditional Oscar gown, but I love the combination of a casual piece - the mint green top that looks like it came from Gap - with a formal piece - the satin and tulle ball skirt. And I love adding another texture to the mix, with the leather bag. She perfectly walks the line between funky, pretty individual style and Mary-Kate-Olsen-bag-lady.

Portia de Rossi -2007
Ah, Portia. What a good-looking woman. Dave and I both have celebrity crushes on her. Although, hello, I obviously have a better chance with her since I'm a woman. I pretty much love anything she wears, ever, and totally would've worn her wedding dress if I could afford Zac Posen. I'm not sure why she was ever invited to the Oscars, but that's neither here nor there. Her 2007 dress was elegant yet funky, which I love.

Maggie Gyllenhaal - 2007
Another navy and black dress. I can't help it. I love navy and black separately, and I love them together. And Maggie Gyllenhaal is just awesome.

Rachel Weisz - 2007
I love Rachel Weisz. She's one of those people that I always hope shows up to awards shows just so I can see what she wears. Her 2007 dress is probably my favorite. I especially loved the details - her necklace, the neckline, and the train.

Tilda Swinton 2009
Tilda gets a lot of flack in the Judgment community (you know - bloggers, Joan Rivers, the hosts of The View) for her fashion choices, but I just love what she wore in 2009. I love the combination of beige and black, and love the way the dress falls on her.

Matt Damon's wife - 2010
The thing I respect most about Matt Damon's wife is that she hasn't tried to be an "actress" yet. She's just like, "yeah I'm a normal person who's now insanely rich and famous and has connections in Hollywood, but I'm not going to fool myself into thinking I can act." (I'm looking at you, Kim Kardashian.) I love her soft, pretty, flowy, preggo dress from last year:

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