Thursday, May 5, 2011

ummmmmmmmm my ovaries are crying

I saw this video posted on another blog tonight and it's too good not to pass on. To the 10 people who read this blog.

It's about a guy who writes emails to his daughter, which sounds kind of sweet, right?

Fast forward 90 seconds later, and I'm crying into my Diet Coke, sitting all alone in the apartment.

Monday, May 2, 2011

we went to san fran, and we liked it

apparently you can immediately tell who's a tourist because that they say "san fran" instead of "san francisco" or "sf" (and because of the accents... and the tennis shoes...) - but how do you live in a city with such rhyming potential and NOT take advantage of it? san fran, it is.

well, it was.

now it's back to good old illinois.

i'll have a more extensive recap coming as soon as i find our camera cord, so i can upload pictures. because what good is a recap WITHOUT a picture of yours truly outside the full house house?

but, for now, i'll just say - it was lovely: