Sunday, January 30, 2011

Living Room Excitement: Continued

I know you've all been dying to hear about the completion of our new nook and L-shaped couch.

No, that's not true. But it's 11 p.m. and I'm tired and that's the best lead-in sentence I can come up with at this point. So here we are. NOOK. COUCH. GET READY.

The living room is now 90% complete (we can have more than 2 people over to hang out!) and the nook is half complete (we have a place to eat dinner that's not a couch!), so I wanted to share the photographic evidence.

First, is the nook, made by my wonderful dad:

The second seat is still being made, but you get the idea. We also need to paint it, but are not sure on the color choice. I'm thinking black... If you have a better idea, please leave it in the comments ;)

So, yeah. My dad is quite the craftsman! If you think the nook is cool, you should see the wardrobe he built me right after Beauty and the Beast came out.

It didn't have a face and it couldn't talk to me, but it was pretty awesome AND contained a secret hiding spot for whatever I thought was fun to hide when I was 5. Pencils? I don't know. Seriously, he's very talented and makes amazing furniture like it's nothing. Thanks, Dad :)

We also picked up our new couch yesterday and moved it in. I had previously mentioned that it was an L-shaped couch, but I was mistaken. It is actually a...

U-shaped couch! Even better. Here it is:

It's actually a wool couch, which I had never seen before, but we bought it (for a very, very low price) from someone whose home looked very expensive, so I'm assuming it's well-made. As we were moving the couch through the buyer's home, we came very close to knocking over a very expensive-looking bust and sending it to its shattered death on the ground. Thankfully, we narrowly missed it.

We managed to get it all the way back to our place, up the stairs and through the narrow halls of our apartment with minimal swearing. So, I consider that a good moving experience.

The other exciting thing about having this couch is that we now have the living room exactly the way we want it. At least for another few months until I feel like moving the furniture around again.

So, that's it for now. If you come over to our place and only see the kitchen, nook, and living room, it looks pretty good. We'll keep the door to the other rooms closed for now...

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