Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's 4 a.m., I must be something

Of course I fell asleep last night at 8:30 and then woke up at 3:30 and have been doing "really important things" on the internet for the past hour. And by that, I mean cycling through gmail, reader, gawker, jezebel, facebook, and people for the past hour. I'm not proud of my addiction. I mean, I wouldn't say I'm proud of my addiction to any of the aforementioned websites, but in particular, I'm really not proud of my problem. You think I like opening up the web browser and seeing listed as one of my most frequently visited websites? Dave and I both use this computer, and we all know that he does not visit, so the fact that it's listed in the top 8 is really just completely on me.

Sometimes I just like to find out who wore it best. I don't know. Is that so wrong?

But I will have you know that I also researched our budget deficit extensively, so it's not all looking at papparazzi photos of Scarlett Johnasson to see if she looks pregnant. It's mostly that, but it's not totally that.

Update: not pregnant. She just had a big dinner.

Anyway, this discussion has contributed nothing to your life. I'm sorry. Let me complete redeem your time by suggesting you watch this video. Laura and I went to see The Civil Wars on Monday night and it. was. amazing. I went into the show with moderate expectations, like I hope I don't hate the next two hours of my life, but I also doesn't expect to completely love it. I find this to be a helpful attitude when going to concerts of artists I'm not too familiar with, because I'm almost never disappointed. Maybe that's overly cynical of me, but whatever. But anyway, yes, it was phenomenal. Their voices are beautiful, their chemistry is amazing, and I am officially a big fan now.

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